Our services
Stand cleaning, sanitation service and waste management
Thanks to many years of experience we can provide a complete service of cleaning and sanitation of your stand.
Packages offers are available for every needs.

The "basic" cleaning service include:
- floor sweeping, i.e. vacuuming of the same in case of carpeting;
-dusting of countertops excluding vertical surfaces, displays, shelves and exhibits; surfaces left free will be cleaned;
-emptying of waste baskets (if left at the stand corners).
If you want you can add floor cleaning (if you do not have carpet): you have to book it on Befair, and put the surface of your stand.
Cleaning services are carried out during night hours, when the halls are closed to the public.
It is a personalized cleaning service that will be done before 7 p.m. on the last day of set-up.
There are three types of cleaning you can choose according to your needs.
The service must be purchased at least 7 days before the start of the event.
Dopo aver inserito il cestone nel carrello bisognerà indicare la data di consegna dello stesso: il cestone verrà consegnato direttamente sullo stand.
Qualora sia necessario un cestone sia per l'allestimento che per il disallestimento sarà necessario noleggiare due cestoni differenti.
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